Mastering Data Backup: Comprehensive Guide to Importance, Granular Recovery, and XeonBD’s Storage Hosting Solutions
Data backup refers to the process of creating a copy of important data and storing it in a secure location. The primary objective of backup is to protect data against accidental deletion, hardware failure, cyberattacks, or any other unforeseen events...
Use of Host Access Control in WHM
Host access control is a feature of WHM that permits you to set up some specific rules to allow and deny access to your server. It is one feature that allows permission to access the server or denies the IP...
What is Inode limit?
The inode (index node) is a data structure in a Unix-style file system that describes a file-system object such as a file or a directory. Each inode stores the attributes and disk block location(s) of the object’s data. File-system object...
Fix Invalid cPanel License Error
Today we will be discussing what we should do if we found an invalid cPanel license error and then what steps we should take to fix the matter. Actually, there are multiple causes when you face such errors including: cPanel...
cPanel Certified Partner
As part of distinguishing its partners who are able to provide quality support to their customers, cPanel announced in June that it is launching the cPanel Certified Partner Program. We are pleased to announce that XeonBD who was a partner...
How to Install cPanel/WHM on CentOS 7 using XeonBD’s mirror servers
cPanel is the most popular Linux based web hosting control panel. It provides a graphical user interface to easily manage and host multiple websites on a single VPS or dedicated server. With the help of its powerful GUI, we can...
Your IP address has changed. Please log in again (cPanel)
If you are getting an error like the one “Your IP address has changed. Please log in again (cPanel)” when trying to access cPanel or your Webmail (on cPanel accounts), you most likely are using an Internet provider which is...
How To Rename Files in cPanel’s File Manager
File rename in the File Manager is very important for the cPanel user. XeonBD is the largest low cost and reliable reseller and shared web hosting providers in the industry and provides business-class reseller web hosting for...
How To Edit Files with File Manager
Sometimes, you need to configure your website, you will need to edit a file in the file manager. Three different ways are used to edit a file in the file manager. They are the Text editor, Code editor, and HTML...
cPanel and CloudLinux OS public mirror are now live in XeonBD’s Bangladesh data center
cPanel and CloudLinux OS public mirror are now live in our Bangladesh data center for our Bangladeshi data center users. So, those who are hosting their cPanel/CloudLinux server in XeonBD’s Bangladesh data center now can edit their cPanel server’s /etc/cpsources.conf file and add...