How to Connect to a Linux Server Using SSH
The article explains to you how to connect to a Linux Server by using PuTTY. Step 1: Give the server address and port number. The server address can be a hostname or IP Address. Click on the Open button. Step 2:...
What is a FTP Server? Advantages of XeonBD’s BDIX FTP Server hosting plan
What is a FTP Server? “File transfer protocol” is a single word it’s also known as FTP, is a combined and fundamental technology that supports its user to move digital files to wherever they need to go, typically between your...
GoDaddy Private Name Servers
This article will assist you in making the changes detailed in step one of the following article series for domains registered at GoDaddy: What Are Private Name Servers? It is recommended that you are familiar with the entire process outlined...
What Are Private Name Servers?
Private name servers are DNS name servers that are associated with a particular domain name, as opposed to being associated with those of XeonBD. Private name servers can only be used on our Reseller, Dedicated and VPS hosting plans. It...
বাংলাদেশের একমাত্র ওয়েব হোস্টিং কোম্পানির টিয়ার থ্রি ডাটাসেন্টার!
জিয়নবিডি-ই বাংলাদেশের একমাত্র ওয়েব হোস্টিং কোম্পানি যার ইউএসএ এবং ইউরোপ ছাড়াও ২০১৩ সাল থেকে বাংলাদেশে আছে নিজেস্ব টিয়ার থ্রি ডাটাসেন্টার। ২০১৭ সালে এসে জিয়নবিডির বাংলাদেশের নিজেস্ব টিয়ার থ্রি ডাটাসেন্টারটি এখন আরও উন্নত ও আধুনিক। জিয়নবিডির বাংলাদেশে ডাটাসেন্টার থেকে আপনি পেতে পারেন...
Ubuntu public mirror is now live in XeonBD’s Bangladesh data center
XeonBD’s Ubuntu public mirror is now live in our Bangladesh data center for our Bangladeshi data center users and also for public usage. So, those who are hosting their Ubuntu server (VPS, Cloud Server, Dedicated Server, Colocation etc) in XeonBD’s...
CentOS public mirror is now live in XeonBD’s Bangladesh data center
XeonBD’s CentOS public mirror is now live in our Bangladesh data center for our Bangladeshi data center users and also for the public usage. So, those who are hosting their CentOS server (VPS, Cloud Server, Dedicated Server, Colocation etc) in XeonBD’s...
How To Change Open SSH Port On CentOS 7
To change the default SSH port of your CentOS 7 server, the first thing you want to do is backup the current SSH configuration on your system. To do that, run the commands below. sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak Above command...
Editing a cPanel Account in WHM
This article will help you with how to edit a cPanel account WHM. A user can easily change the disk quota, Email Addresses, or similar items for a domain created from WHM. Step # 1: Type List into the search box. Then Click...
Managing Account Bandwidth in WHM
Bandwidth measures the amount of information that your server transfers and receives. In this article, you can adjust account bandwidth limits in WHM. To modify a cPanel account you need to follow these steps: Step #1: Type List into the search...