Reserved Words
The identifiers listed below are reserved C keywords. You shouldn’t use them for any other purpose in a C program. They are allowed, of course, within double quotation marks.
Reserved C keywords:
Keyword | Description |
asm | Keyword that denotes inline assembly language code. |
auto | The default storage class. |
break | Command that exits for, while, switch, and do…while statements unconditionally. |
case | Command used within the switch statement. |
char | The simplest C data type. |
const | Data modifier that prevents a variable from being changed. See volatile. |
continue | Command that resets a for, while, or do…while statement to the next iteration. |
default | Command used within the switch statement to catch any instances not specified with a case statement. |
do | Looping command used in conjunction with the while statement. The loop will always execute at least once. |
double | Data type that can hold double-precision floating-point values. |
else | Statement signaling alternative statements to be executed when an if statement evaluates to FALSE. |
enum | Data type that allows variables to be declared that accept only certain values. |
extern | Data modifier indicating that a variable will be declared in another area of the program. |
float | Data type used for floating-point numbers. |
for | Looping command that contains initialization, incrementation, and conditional sections. |
goto | Command that causes a jump to a predefined label. |
if | Command used to change program flow based on a TRUE/FALSE decision. |
int | Data type used to hold integer values. |
long | Data type used to hold larger integer values than int. |
register | Storage modifier that specifies that a variable should be stored in a register if possible. |
return | Command that causes program flow to exit from the current function and return to the calling function. It can also be used to return a single value. |
short | Data type used to hold integers. It isn’t commonly used, and it’s the same size as an int on most computers. |
signed | Modifier used to signify that a variable can have both positive and negative values. See unsigned. |
sizeof | Operator that returns the size of the item in bytes. |
static | Modifier used to signify that the compiler should retain the variable’s value. |
struct | Keyword used to combine C variables of any data type into a group. |
switch | Command used to change program flow in a multitude of directions. Used in conjunction with the case statement. |
typedef | Modifier used to create new names for existing variable and function types. |
union | Keyword used to allow multiple variables to share the same memory space. |
unsigned | Modifier used to signify that a variable will contain only positive values. See signed. |
void | Keyword used to signify either that a function doesn’t return anything or that a pointer being used is considered generic or able to point to any data type. |
volatile | Modifier that signifies that a variable can be changed. See const. |
while | Looping statement that executes a section of code as long as a condition remains TRUE. |