Get your FREE 2GB USB memory stick when you register a .Asia domain!!
To receive your FREE USB memory stick from DotAsia you will need to:
- Register your .Asia domain such as (, at a term of 2 years or more, with a participating registrar. Please click here for a list of participating partners.
- A redemption code will be emailed to you a week after your domain has been fully registered.
- Go to www.FreeB.Asia and log in with you redemption code and the corresponding .Asia domain
- Once logged on, please confirm your postal address. A USB memory stick will be sent to you via mail
- FreeB USB memory stick promotional Offer is available from July 6th to October 6th 2009 or while supplies last. Please allow 6-8 weeks for shipping and handling. DotAsia Organisation Ltd. is not responsible for lost, late, stolen, misdirected or illegible requests. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.