DNSSEC and its advantage and disadvantage and how its work
Before gathering some knowledge about DNSSEC let’s know what is DNS. DNS (Domain Name System) DNS works like your Identity card. Simple it gives a name to an IP address. As you can easily memorize a name then memorize an...
How to point a custom Domain to Blogger?
What is Blogger? Blogger is a free, blog-publishing service hosted by Google. The blogs are generally accessed from the subdomain of “blogspot.com” But you can also use your custom domain name to access your blogger website using that domain name....
Biggest Domain Discount
Now it is time to register or transfer your .com domain for only BDT 850 and .org domain for only BDT 750 under our biggest domain discount offer. And new domain registration of .net domain for only at BDT 800...
What You Need to Know About Your Domain
What You Need to Know About Your Domain name Many customers tell us how overwhelming setting up their first website feels. Between DNS, e-mail, document roots, software versions, and all the other details involved in setting up a website there...
How to Use Traceroute
Traceroute is an application that traces the path data takes from one computer to another. Basically, a traceroute is a map that shows what stops or locations that data must pass through in order to go from one computer to...
What is DNS propagation and why does it take so long?
So you found a perfect domain name that was not already taken, figured out how to register it, and paid for hosting (leasing space to store all the files that will be publicly accessed as web pages) with a WHP...
Understanding DNS Propagation: How It Works and Why It Matters
Introduction DNS propagation is a crucial process in managing your website’s domain name system (DNS). Understanding how Domain Name System (DNS) propagation works can help you manage your site’s availability and troubleshoot common DNS issues effectively. What is DNS Propagation?...