At XeonBD, we are so confident that we offer a refund to every customer within 30 days of their registration. If you are dissatisfied with our web hosting service, you may choose to cancel your subscription for a full refund.
At XeonBD, we are so confident that the service we offer a refund to every shared, reseller, and VPS server web hosting customer within 30 days of their registration. If you are dissatisfied with our shared, reseller, VPS hosting service, you may choose to cancel your subscription for a full refund.
If you apply to the terms stated above, you may request, under this guarantee, a full refund consisting of your purchase price of shared, reseller and VPS server hosting service provided by XeonBD, less any charges for domain name registration, licensing fee, payment gateway fee, additional paid service like SiteLock / SpamExperts / Malwarebytes / Office365 / Google WorkSpace / Hosting Addons etc., any type of Web Designing and Development, SEO, PSD to HTML, Maintenace, Security service etc., all of which are non-refundable.
Any free service like Free Domain registration/renew/transfer or SSL or SiteLock etc. that is included as free with any hosting plan will be immediately suspended once the refund proceeds. But if the customer wants to use them with any of our other hosting services/plans or even wants to use them with any other web hosting service provider, they will have to pay for them at the regular price as mentioned on our website.
If a client’s account is not verified, that client will not get any refund. The client must provide his/her real first name and last name and the necessary documents to verify his account as mentioned in our terms of service. And the money back request is only applicable once per each client for the first service only. If you have a previous history with a money back for any purchased service from us then you are no longer eligible for the 30 days money back.
No refund is applicable for any products/services which are purchased under any special or promotional offer or cash back offer.